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最后更新: 2023-06-06 11:32
浏览次数: 2
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Notes for in-depth interviews

Here are some notes to consider when conducting in-depth interviews:

1.Establish rapport: Begin the interview by building rapport and creating a comfortable environment. Introduce yourself, explain the pur**se of the interview, and ensure the participant feels at ease. Show genuine interest in their perspectives and experiences.

2.Use open-ended questions: Ask open-ended questions that allow participants to provide detailed and thoughtful responses. Avoid leading or biased questions that may influence their answers. Encourage participants to elaborate and share their personal insights.

3.Active listening: Listen attentively to the participant's responses. Show interest through verbal and non-verbal cues, such as nodding, maintaining eye contact, and providing encouraging prompts. Avoid interrupting and allow the participant to fully express their thoughts.

4.Probing and follow-up questions: Ask follow-up questions to delve deeper into specific topics or seek clarification. Use probing techniques to encourage participants to expand on their answers, explore underlying motivations, or provide specific examples.

5.Maintain a neutral stance: Remain neutral and non-judgmental throughout the interview. Avoid expressing personal opinions or biases that may influence the participant's responses. Create a safe space for participants to share their honest perspectives.

6.Respect privacy and confidentiality: Emphasize the confidentiality of the interview and assure participants that their personal information will be kept confidential. Obtain consent to record the interview if applicable, and explain how the data will be used and stored.

7.Take comprehensive notes: During the interview, take detailed notes capturing key points, participant quotes, and noteworthy observations. Record the context, participant's emotional cues, and any additional comments or insights that may be relevant for analysis.

8.Reflect on researcher bias: Be aware of your own biases and preconceived notions that may influence the interview process. Take notes on your reflections and any potential biases that may emerge during the interview.

9.Thank and debrief participants: Express gratitude to the participant for their time and contribution. Offer an opportunity for participants to ask questions or provide additional insights. Debrief participants about the pur**se and potential outcomes of the study, if applicable.

Remember, in-depth interviews are an opportunity to gather rich and detailed information. Respect the participant's perspectives, ensure confidentiality, and use the information collected to generate meaningful insights.

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