Research on Brand Strategy
Research on brand strategy involves studying and analyzing the strategic aspects of a company's brand to determine how to establish, **sition, and develop the brand for competitive advantage in the market. Here are some commonly used research methods for brand strategy:
1.Market research: Collecting and analyzing market data and consumer insights through market research methods to understand market trends, competitors, target audience, and their needs and preferences.
2.Competitive analysis: Conducting in-depth analysis of competitors, including their brand **sitioning, market share, product features, and marketing strategies, to develop targeted competitive strategies for the brand.
3.Brand **sitioning research: Using qualitative and quantitative research methods to understand the target audience's perception, attitudes, and preferences towards the brand, and determine the brand's differentiated **sitioning and core value pro**sition in the target market.
4.Brand value chain analysis: Analyzing various elements in the brand value chain, including brand assets, brand awareness, brand image, brand loyalty, etc., to identify and optimize the key factors that enhance brand value.
5.Brand extension research: evaluating and researching the feasibility and potential opportunities for brand extensions, including product line extensions, market expansion, cross-industry collaborations, etc.
6.Brand risk assessment: Assessing potential risks and challenges that the brand may face, such as brand reputation risk, market changes, competitive pressures, etc., to develop risk management strategies.
7.Brand strategy evaluation: Assessing and adjusting the existing brand strategy based on market conditions and business objectives, and developing long-term and short-term brand development strategies.
The goal of research on brand strategy is to provide guidance to businesses in establishing and maintaining a competitive brand, achieving market share growth, enhancing brand value, and driving business growth.